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Washington GIS Association

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2024 Washington GIS Conference - Tacoma, WA

  • 11 Jun 2024
  • 8:30 AM (PDT)
  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 5:00 PM (PDT)
  • UW Tacoma Campus (Tacoma, WA)


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Requires code for discount.
    For conference volunteers.
    Add Workshops during registration at full cost.
  • To register for a Full-Day or Half-Day Workshop on Tuesday June 11.
    Use this ticket type if not attending the conference.
    To attend both a Workshop and the conference, choose the appropriate ticket type.
  • For one attendee included with each Conference Sponsorship. REQUIRES CODE for complimentary 2-day Conference. Add Workshops during registration at full cost.
  • For WAGISA Board Members and Committee Chairs. REQUIRES CODE for complimentary 2-day conference registration. Add Workshops during registration at full cost.



    JUNE 11 - 13

    Conference Registration has been closed for Wednesday.

    Capacity on Wednesday has been reached.

    Still possible to register for Tuesday Workshops or Thursday Only.

    University of Washington - Tacoma

    William H Phillip Hall

    1918 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, WA 98402

    Tuesday, June 11 - Pre-Conference Workshops

    Full-Day Workshops (List Below)

    Wednesday, June 12 - Opening Conference Day

    with Keynote Address and Presentations

    Thursday, June 13 - Second Conference Day

    Full Day of Presentations in Three Tracks


    Links to other Conference pages:

    Main Conference Web Site: 2024 Washington GIS Conference

    Sponsorship Details:  Become a Sponsor of 2024 Conference 

    Registration for Sponsors:  Register as a Sponsor 

    Full Workshop Details:  Workshops Page 


    List of Tuesday Workshops

      Maximize Imagery Workflows with ArcGIS - Half Day

      • Half Day - Afternoon (1:30 pm - 5:00 pm) on Tuesday June11, 2024
      • Cost:  $100
      • Location:  UW Tacoma campus (classroom tbd)
      • Instructors:  Ryan Richardson and TJ Abbenhaus, Esri
      • Description:  Join Esri for a workshop using the latest in advanced tools for imagery management, visualization, analysis and sharing. In this workshop you will learn about the ArcGIS solutions including ArcGIS Reality, Oriented Imagery, ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Enterprise. We will discuss how to use ArcGIS Pro to create Mosaic datasets and publish collections of data using ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online (SaaS) and ArcGIS Image Server. Participants in this workshop will also get hands on experience configuring various web applications that leverage these imagery services. We will also explore how to take imagery from various sensors, from smartphones, to UAV’s, to fixed wing aerial imagery, to satellites and use it in ArcGIS.

      • FULL  - ArcGIS Experience Builder - Half Day - FULL

        • Registration is Closed - Class Limit reached
        • Half Day - Morning (8:30 am - Noon) on Tuesday June11, 2024
        • Cost:  $100
        • Location:  UW Tacoma campus (classroom tbd)
        • Instructors:  Ryan Richardson and TJ Abbenhaus, Esri
        • Description:  ArcGIS Experience Builder is a highly configurable and customizable solution that allows users to share their web apps online without writing any code. In this workshop you will gain insights on how to create an immersive web experience using Experience Builder’s interactive widgets, dynamic themes, media, and map integration. Learn what is new in ArcGIS Experience Builder and how to modernize and optimize your WebApp Builder apps to be viewed on any device. Leveraging pre-built templates and drag and drop functionality Experience Builder will bring your maps and apps together into one unified destination.

      • Young Professional Workshop - Full Day

        • Full Day (8:30 am - 5:00 pm) on Tuesday June11, 2024
        • Cost:  $25
        • UW Tacoma campus (Cherry Parkes 106)
        • Instructors:  Christina Chelf and Micah Gelber
        • Description:  Come connect with other young professionals in this INTERACTIVE day long event. This workshop is designed to help those with less than 5 years experience advance their careers, find jobs and meet others in their field. Expect speed networking, group discussions, panel talks, and an optional happy hour!
      • SQL Spatial: Using views and spatial functions to automate and simplify your services and reports - Half Day

        • Afternoon of Tuesday June11, 2024 (1:30pm - 5:00pm)
        • Cost:  $100
        • UW Tacoma campus (Cherry Parkes 108)
        • Instructors:  Grant Herbert, Flow Analytics
        • Description:  This workshop focuses on introducing you to the possibilities of using spatial SQL and views to expand your options working with GIS data. Views and spatial functions can be used to increase efficiency, reduce data duplication and provide custom data sources for map services, dashboards and reports. 
        • Who should attend:  this workshop is aimed for those with experience and knowledge of SQL, but will briefly cover some basics for beginners.
        • Uses SQLServer - but applicable to all non-geodatabase options, including PostgreSQL/PostGIS

      Young Professional Workshop - Full Day

      • Full Day (8:30 am - 5:00 pm) on Tuesday June11, 2024
      • Cost:  $25
      • Location:  UW Tacoma campus (Cherry Parkes 106)
      • Instructors:  Christina Chelf and Micah Gelber
      • Description:  Come connect with other young professionals in this INTERACTIVE day long event. This workshop is designed to help those with less than 5 years experience advance their careers, find jobs and meet others in their field. Expect speed networking, group discussions, panel talks, and an optional happy hour!
      • Washington Government GIS Leaders Forum- Full Day

      • Full Day (8:30 am - 5:00 pm) on Tuesday June 11, 2024
      • Cost:  $100
      • Location:  UW Tacoma campus (Cherry Parkes 105)
      • Moderated by: Christina Chelf, Matt Collins, Stephen Beimborn
      • The Washington Local Government GIS Leaders (WGGL) is a special interest group of the Washington GIS Association


      To register for any Tuesday Workshop:  first choose a Conference registration type at left.  If you are not also attending the Conference on Wednesday and Thursday, choose "Workshop Only - No Conference".

      Full Workshop Details:  Workshops Page 


      For full Conference details:

      2024 WA GIS Conference pages


      Become a Sponsor!

      Sponsorship Details:  Become a Sponsor of 2024 Conference 

      Registration for Sponsors:  Register as a Sponsor 


      WAGISA Membership

      • all who demonstrate the ability to adhere to the GISCI Code of Ethics may attend the Annual Washington GIS Conference.
      • all who register for the Washington GIS Conference or for a Workshop are conferred an annual WAGISA membership
      • annual WAGISA memberships are valued at $25 for Professionals and $15 for Students
      • annual membership starts the first day of the Conference and will end May 1, 2025
      • for new members, log in to after June 12 to manage your profile, join committees and access exclusive member content



        Conference and Workshop Cancellation Policy:

          1. Cancelled registrations must be received in writing (via email) at least 10 business days before the first day of the conference for a refund of original payment made, minus a $25 cancellation processing fee.

          2. Cancelled registrations received after 10 business days prior to the start of the event will not get refunded but a credit will be applied to a future WAGISA conferences and/or events within the following 12 months.

          3. Registrations can be transferred to another person within the registered person’s organization.

          4. There will be no refund for registered attendees who do not attend the event (no-shows).

          Expectations of Attendees:

          • Be kind and considerate.  Respect each person and common courtesy rules for personal interaction.
          • Be aware of your surroundings. Be mindful of others around you to ensure a great experience for your fellow participants.
          • Behave appropriately. Refrain from displaying any demeaning, harassing, aggressive, or intimidating materials or behavior. Use welcoming and inclusive language and be respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences.
          • Be professional. Dress and behave in a professional manner. Each attendee is responsible for their own behavior and actions.
          • Respect property. Do not damage private or communal property.
          • Follow the rules. Obey the rules and regulations.
          • Report inappropriate behavior. Promptly report any behavior that makes you or others feel uncomfortable to Conference staff at the Washington GIS Conference registration desk.

          Photography Policy:

          Attendees at the WAGISA 2024 Washington GIS Conference may be included in photographs taken at the event and later posted on the WAGISA web site and other WAGISA communications and marketing material.  Registrants for the Conference agree to be included in such WAGISA communications.  If you do not want to be photographed at this event, please notify the conference staff on-site at the registration desk upon arrival.  

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