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Washington GIS Association

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Member-at-Large Responsibilities

This webpage explains the logistics and responsibilities for those who serve as a WAGISA Member-at-Large on the Board of Directors.

Qualifications for service

The bylaws state that the minimum requirement for running for the Board is that an individual is a dues-paying member. However, the strongest candidates have had some engagement with the WAGISA community, either through volunteerism, by giving presentations, conducting workshops, or attending meetings of the WAGISA organization. 


Members-at-Large are expected to attend monthly remote board meetings, attend one additional committee meeting a month (Board Members are encouraged to Chair a Committee), look for opportunities to help fulfill volunteer needs that arise during monthly committee and board meetings, assist with conference planning, and/or volunteer for 4 hours during the annual conference. Members-at-Large are expected to attend and engage during the monthly meetings as much as possible. The time commitment is approximately 4 hours per month.


Members-at-Large are expected to be courteous, respectful, and  adhere to theGISCI Code of Ethics at all time. The time commitment can vary from person to person depending on the level of motivation and enthusiasm, assigned responsibilities, and available volunteer time.

  • A Member-at-Large chairs or serves on one or more Committees or Subcommittees that help progress our organization.
  • The Members-at-Large are encouraged to be the moderator and point of contact for the presenters in at least one main conference session. 

Not all Members-at-Large will be assigned concrete tasks, so the organization relies on and encourages Members-at-Large to bring forward their own ideas and projects that will further the WAGISA mission and initiatives.  

WAGISA Approved Policies

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