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Washington GIS Association

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The Washington GIS Association (WAGISA) invites you to join an organization of specialists in the field of geographic information. WAGISA has grown into a vibrant society with membership throughout Washington State and the Pacific Northwest. WAGISA welcomes new members from traditional as well as emerging professions that define geographic information science today.

Become a Member

The first step in getting involved with WAGISA is to become a member. WAGISA members get access to our Annual Meeting and and membership dues support our many initiatives


WAGISA runs almost entirely on volunteer activity, and we’re always in need of helpers for various tasks to help the Society function! Contact us if you have a specific skill set you’re keen to sharpen working with us.

  • There are many ways to volunteer with WAGISA, including being a board member, joining committees, helping with the conference, volunteering with our publications, and more!

Join the Board

The Board of Directors are the principal governing body of WAGISA with full supervision and control over all Association business affairs.  The Board is composed of the four (4) officers, the Past-President, and six Members-At-Large positions.

Each year we elect a few new people to the board of directors for WAGISA. Are you interested in serving the organization in this manner? For more information about the election process or any of the positions, please get in touch with

Positions Up For Elections in 2024:

  • Treasurer
  • Four Member-at-Large positions

Nominate Someone!

Deadline: Friday, May 31st

Winners will be announced during the WA GIS Conference 

From Our Bylaws:
WAGISA Members, at WAGISA’s annual meeting, shall elect the members of the Board of Directors. All members of the Board so elected, shall be nominated to a slate of nominees by a Nominating Committee prior to the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President within 3 months after every regular election. Nominees entered on the slate shall then be elected to office by a majority vote of the membership (or by a plurality if more than two candidates for a single position). Nominees for board positions shall be Association members in good standing and shall reside and/or work within the defined geographic service area of WAGISA.

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