User Portal Summit 2020

See the details!
In Partnership with
King County GIS
The ArcGIS Enterprise portal seems to be a necessity for government GIS organizations but navigating the full implementation can be both daunting and frustrating. This user Portal summit is a peer to peer learning opportunity for government and tribal agencies to share their experiences with implementing portal. While this summit is not affiliated with Esri, there will be Esri staff on hand to answer questions and help develop a follow up workshop to address the challenging topics that don’t get answered during the summit. Panelists will start off the conversation there will be an opportunity to be involved in sharing the successes and failures with implementing Portal. This Summit is open to everyone to attend but the discussions are meant to be for Government staff.
9:30 – 10:00 Introductions
10:00 – 11:00 Enterprise Portal Architecture
Panel presentation; (Panelists)
11:00 -12:00 Collaboration Portal to Portal and Portal to AGOL
Panel presentation; (Panelists)
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch and Social time (on your own)
1:30 – 2:30 Governance, Security and Authentication
Panel presentation; (Panelists)
2:30 – 3:30 Data management and Metadata
Panel presentation; (Panelists)
3:30 – 3:45 Wrap up
WAURISA Cancellation Policy
1. Cancellations must be received in writing (via fax, email or standard mail). The minimum amount withheld from the refund is defined as follows:
a. All cancellations are assessed a minimum 10% fee withheld from the reimbursement.
b. Within one month of the event all cancellations are assessed a 25% fee withheld from the reimbursement.
c. Within two weeks of the event all cancellations are assessed a 50% fee withheld from the reimbursement.
d. 100% of the costs are assessed for cancellation beginning on the first day of the event.
2. Registrations can be transferred as-is to another person within the registered person’s organization. This excludes volunteers and speaker registrations, which may not be transferred unless there is a direct substitution for a specific speaker.
3. There will be no refund for registered attendees who do not attend the event (no-shows).
4. Special circumstances can be a reason to reduce the amount withheld (to no less than 10% of the event fee). However, there must be an agreement between the event coordinator and the WAURISA Treasurer on those circumstances before any reimbursements can be made.